I hope you had wonderful holidays.
IOFT NEWS 2010 starts today!
I hope you will enjoy this blog as you did in 2009.
My name is Chiharu from IOFT Show Management.
I am in charge of international PR activities, and will be the writer of 2010 edition.
It has been already 3 months since IOFT 2009 was successfully over. I truly appreciate your participation and kind cooperation. IOFT Show Management has already started preparations for IOFT 2010.We’ve been working so hard
to make IOFT more meaningful and fruitful trade show for everyone.
Okay...let’s get started with this year’s first topic: “Interview with the new exhibitors in IOFT 2009.”
I interviewed Mr. David Beddok from OKO EYE WEAR and Ms. Elisabetta De Rossi from ILLUSIONE OTTICA.
Thank you very much for exhibiting IOFT 2009, and sharing the story with us. I heard you had great outcomes at IOFT. Congratulations!
Well, I am very curious about your purpose of exhibiting in IOFT. Could you briefly explain about it?
We have always been very interested in Japanese market and Japan in general personally and professionally.
I think that there are a lot of things in common between France and Japan. It is like an art of life we share. I admire Japanese sense of quality and aesthetics. The main purposes of exhibiting at IOFT were market research and finding a distributor with whom we can share our work and the philosophy with Japanese.
Interesting. I haven’t really thought that France and Japan have a lot in common.
Well, we exhibited inside Italian Pavilion. The reason why we exhibited IOFT 2009 was...letting Japanese market know about our brand and our products. We think Japanese market is very important in order to succeed in the eyewear industry.
I see... It is interesting to hear that both David and Elisabetta think Japanese market is important. It sounds like..., more European companies should come to Japan to seek for further business expansion.
Okay. I would like to move on to next question. How was your overall feeling about IOFT 2009? How was your experience?
I was very impressed by IOFT in general, and I would say it is the best trade show I ever saw. Show management did great organization, and lovely staffs were always available to help us. They helped us to prepare our participation from the beginning of this adventure, and gave us all their support during the exhibition. We have been honored by the visit of high level opticians, and made very important contacts for us from Japan and other countries in Asia, even Australian contacts! In terms of the balance from this first participation, it has been very good, and we have really enjoyed the experience.

That’s awesome!! I am glad to hear that! We are proud to provide high quality and delicate service to any exhibitors to sucess at IOFT. Well, how about you, Elisabetta?
We are very happy with everything regarding IOFT. It was our first time there but we are satisfied. You know, we won ‘EYEWEAR OF THE YEAR 2010 award’!! It was such a wonderful experience. Right after the ceremony, we had some interviews including NHK (Japan’s national broadcasting station)! Of course, not only mass media, but also many buyers visited our booth, and we could have great meetings on-site!
Wow...EYEWEAR OF THE YEAR could bring benefits to you!
David and Elisabetta, could you give messages to the IOFT readers?
Ok...You cannot miss IOFT. It is a good place to be and necessary to any eyewear company. I recommend this experience to everybody. See you next year in Tokyo!
We would say that the organization is great, that the attendance is very high and that IOFT gives you a lot of opportunities for exhibitors and their brand. We definitely would suggest to exhibit there!
It is such a strong and supportive comment for us. Thank you very much David & Elisabetta!! I hope to see you again at IOFT 2010!
[Editor’s Note]
If you haven’t tried to enter Japanese market, you may be worried and uncertain if you can really succeed at IOFT and Japanese market. However, their interview proved that you can succeed in Japanese market. Also, IOFT Show Management staffs are always there to support your business.
Also, our international sales staff Ms. Yoshiko Takahashi will attend 'opti '10.'
IOFT Show Management will have a booth at ‘opti ‘10’ held from Jan 15-17 at New Munich Trade Fair Centre, Germany. If you are interested in participating IOFT 2010, please stop by our booth at ‘C1.227.’
You can get further information about IOFT and will be able to hear more about the successful stories!!
Click here for further info about opti ’10:
For the next, we will introduce you more exhibitors’ comments from IOFT 2009!! Stay tuned!
- Exhibiting Info Request: CLICK HERE!
- IOFT Official HP: http://www.ioft.jp/en
- IOFT NEWS (Japanese): http://www.ioftnews.blogspot.com/
- Any Comments & Inquiries about Press: ioft-eng@reedexpo.co.jp
Written by: Chiharu Nishiura, International PR, IOFT Show Management